Friday, 27 May 2016
New Zealand Steel and Pacific Steel’s flat and long steel products manufactured at the Glenbrook facilities south of Auckland and in Otahuhu have become the latest products to receive independent environmental endorsement from Environmental Choice.
According to Francesca Lipscombe, General Manager, New Zealand Ecolabelling Trust, companies put their products forward for an ecolabel to both demonstrate their environmental commitment and to lift their credentials relative to competitors. Integrity, according to Ms Lipscombe is a big part of this.
“Not only has the manufacturing of New Zealand Steel and Pacific Steel’s flat and long steel products met our robust environmental criteria, they have exceeded the requirements under ‘fit for purpose’ another albeit smaller category of our specification. The Environmental Choice audit, by being so all-encompassing, delivers assurance about the overall integrity of a company. This differentiates our licensees from those in the marketplace who neither have the appetite nor the access to such a robust audit process.
“Integrity around environmental and performance claims are becoming an issue as imported product, such as steel componentry, with little known or variable credentials confuse the marketplace,” says Ms Lipscombe.

Ms Lipscombe highlighted that Environmental Choice was positioned as the ‘go to’ ecolabel for New Zealand companies and their product line-ups looking to achieve critical differentiation in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
Chris Kay, Marketing Manager, NZ Steel confirmed that both differentiation and demonstrating integrity were factors behind pursuing an Environmental Choice licence.
“Last minute product substitution is an industry wide problem that has the potential to completely undermine the anticipated performance attributes of steel products used in structural applications and for roofing/cladding. The Environmental Choice audit, however, includes a significant focus on being fit for purpose. This was part of the overall appeal as it underlined our overall integrity.
“New Zealand faces numerous stresses and strains as the expectations around construction, trades and materials remains high but increasingly there are instances where this is misplaced,” said Mr Kay.
The fit for purpose criteria used within the audit specification included identifying the applicable standards, specifications and or consumer/customer requirements; demonstrating how compliance is monitored and maintained (including quality control and assurance procedures); and maintaining records of customer feedback and complaints.
‘I don't believe any of the imported steel coming into New Zealand can match New Zealand steel in providing customers with this level of audited integrity and confidence,” said Mr Kay.
About ECNZ
Today, Eco Choice Aotearoa (formerly Environmental Choice New Zealand) is one of the world’s oldest and most respected ecolabels. It is part of the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) a membership of Type 1 ecolabels (ISO 14024) hailing from nearly 60 countries.
Eco Choice Aotearoa encourages sustainable leadership and competition among industry, and is a crucial tool in transitioning Aotearoa New Zealand to a low-emissions, circular economy.
The ecolabel offers everyday Kiwis an unmatched level of assurance that what they’re buying has met environmental best practice, is safe for them and their families and fit-for-purpose.
While the Ministry for the Environment owns the trademark, the non-profit is governed by an independent Board of Trustees. It is a pass/ fail certification which does not accept offsets as an alternative to addressing emissions at their source.
Eco Choice Aotearoa currently certifies products and services with a combined annual revenue of more than NZD$2 billion.
For more information on the Eco Choice Aotearoa programme visit